سلام دوستان لاگ های استریسک رو که بررسی میکردم به همچین پیغامی مواجه شدم :
ممنون میشم کمک کنید
کد PHP:
[May 6 14:15:16] WARNING[26276] tcptls.c: Unable to launch helper thread: Resource temporarily unavailable
[May 6 14:15:21] WARNING[26276] tcptls.c: Unable to launch helper thread: Resource
temporarily unavailable
[May 6 14:15:31] WARNING[26297] pbx.c: Failed to create new channel thread
[May 6 14:15:31] WARNING[26297] chan_sip.c: Failed to start PBX :(
[May 6 14:15:36] WARNING[26276] tcptls.c: Unable to launch helper thread: Resource temporarily unavailable
[May 6 14:15:56] WARNING[26276] tcptls.c: Unable to launch helper thread: Resource temporarily unavailable
[May 6 14:16:01] WARNING[26276] tcptls.c: Unable to launch helper thread: Resource temporarily unavailable
[May 6 14:16:01] WARNING[26276] tcptls.c: Unable to launch helper thread: Resource temporarily unavailable