from yum.plugins import PluginYumExit, TYPE_CORE, TYPE_INTERACTIVE from urlparse import urljoin import os,time requires_api_version = '2.3' plugin_type = (TYPE_CORE, TYPE_INTERACTIVE) enablesize=300000 trymirrornum=-1 maxconn=10 httpdownloadonly=False cleanOnException=0 def init_hook(conduit): global enablesize,trymirrornum,maxconn,cleanOnException,httpdownloadonly enablesize = conduit.confInt('main','enablesize',default=30000) trymirrornum = conduit.confInt('main','trymirrornum',default=-1) maxconn = conduit.confInt('main','maxconn',default=10) httpdownloadonly=conduit.confBool('main','onlyhttp',default=False) cleanOnException=conduit.confInt('main','cleanOnException',default=0) return def predownload_hook(conduit): global enablesize,cleanOnException,httpdownloadonly preffermirror="" PkgIdx=0 TotalPkg=len(conduit.getDownloadPackages()) for po in (conduit.getDownloadPackages()): PkgIdx+=1 if hasattr(po, 'pkgtype') and po.pkgtype == 'local': continue totsize = long(po.size) ret = False if totsize <= enablesize:, "Package %s download size %d less than %d,Skip plugin!" % (,totsize,enablesize)) continue else:, "[%d/%d]Ok,we will try to use axel to download this big file:%d" % (PkgIdx,TotalPkg,totsize)) local = po.localPkg() if os.path.exists(local): if not os.path.exists(local+".st"): fstate=os.stat(local) if totsize == fstate.st_size:,"Target already exists,skip to next file!") continue localall = "%s %s" % (local,local+".st") rmcmd = "rm -f %s" % (localall) curmirroridx = 0,"Before we start,clean all the key files") os.system(rmcmd) connnum = totsize / enablesize if connnum*enablesize maxconn: connnum = maxconn mirrors=[] mirrors[:0]=po.repo.urls if preffermirror != "": mirrors[:0] = [preffermirror] for url in mirrors: if url.startswith("ftp://") and httpdownloadonly: print "Skip Ftp Site:",url continue if url.startswith("file://"): print "Skip Local Site:",url continue curmirroridx += 1 if (curmirroridx > trymirrornum) and (trymirrornum != -1):, "Package %s has tried %d mirrors,Skip plugin!" % (,trymirrornum)) break remoteurl = "%s/%s" % (url,po.remote_path) syscmd = "axel -a -n %s %s -o %s" % (connnum,remoteurl,local), "Execute axel cmd:\n%s" % syscmd) os.system(syscmd) time.sleep(2) if os.path.exists(local+".st"):,"axel exit by exception,let's try another mirror") if cleanOnException:,"because cleanOnException is set to 1,we do remove key file first") os.system(rmcmd) continue elif not os.path.exists(local):#this mirror may not update yet continue else: ret = True preffermirror=url break if not ret: (2,"try to run rm cmd:%s" % rmcmd) os.system(rmcmd)